A blood test that quantifies the innate immune system’s ability to function.
The significance of NK Cell Activity Test
NK cells, why not NUMBERS, but ACTIVITY? Among NK cells, not all NK cells can fight abnormal cells, such as cancer cells. There are many NK cells that lack the ability to attack those abnormal cells. In other words, having high number of NK cells does not necessarily mean that the antitumor immunity is high. It is the highly active NK cells that matters to maintain our immune system stronger.
Inactive NK Cells
NK cells not attacking the cancer cells
Active NK Cells
NK cells attacking the cancer cells to remove.
The Advantage of NK Cell Activity Test
Measures the activity of NK cells using a small amount of blood and get results in a short time.
Measures NK cell activity using whole blood, which includes both innate immune cytotoxicity and immunomodulation of the adaptive immune response.
Allows accurate analysis of the immune system with no loss of cells caused in the process of separation of peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Allows regular monitoring of the immune system to maintain good health.
Range of Application
Unlike the other diagnostic tools, NK Vue® kit can be used broadly as a health benchmark for healthy people, a treatment monitoring tool for patients, and a research tool in clinical studies.
Increase of CTC and pathogens, Diseases (such as cancer) can occur
Severe diseases can occur, such as cancer with weak immune system (Existing Diagnostic Tools can be helpful)
Monitoring of the immune system (NK Vue Kit)/p>
Circulating Tumor Cells (CTC)
CTCs are cells that come from a primary tumor and circulate in the bloodstream, CTCs are known to cause metastatic cancer.
Test Interpretation
Normal (>500 pg/ml)
Interpretation : Healthy NK cells. The immune responses are strong.
Recommendation : Annual monitoring to maintain your immunity in good condition.
Concerned (250-500 pg/ml)
Interpretation : Temporary low NK cell activity. Balanced lifestyle and daily exercise are recommended to improve immunity.
Recommendation : Lifestyle modification is recommended with a regular checkup is recommended once a 3-6 months to manage your immunity in good condition.
Borderline (100-250 pg/ml)
Interpretation : NK cell activity is below normal range. Low NK cell activity may be caused by health-related condition or it can be an early sign of disease.
Recommendation : Get rid of the causes for temporary low NK cell activity* that may have affected the test result and re-take the test in 2~4 weeks. Close monitoring.
Low (<100 pg/ml)
Interpretation : NK cell activity is low and may be caused by a disease which can lower the activity of NK cells. A person may genetically have low NK cell activity although not common.
Recommendation : Get rid of the causes for temporary low NK cell activity* that may have affected the test result and re-take the test in 2~4 weeks. Physician to decide on additional diagnostic testing to investigate possible causes.
Low NK cell activity is one of the indicators for the diagnosis of diseases and weak immune system. If NK cell activity is consistently low, you should find the reason and further tests should be taken in accordance to a physician’s investigation. A person with low NK cell activity might have a lower immune capacity. To enhance the immune system’s ability to fight cancer cells and infectious diseases, it is recommended to avoid stress, live a balanced life, and exercise regularly. NK Vue is an in vitro diagnostic device for the measurement of NK cell activity. The test is not a diagnostic test for cancer.
High risk of reduced NK cell activity
Various lifestyle diseases
Vulnerable to infectious diseases
Exposed to harmful environment (Ex: long-term exposure to environmental hormones/pollution)